Florence Academy is our world-class online learning platform, designed for the professional development of nurses, carers and support workers.
With Florence Academy, you can complete all your mandatory training in one place for free. All of our courses are CPD-accredited, and we don't put any restrictions on where you can use your certificates. That means you can use your Florence Academy training to further your career, wherever you choose to work.
When you train with Florence Academy:
• It's free to learn.
• You can complete mandatory and specialist training in one place, on mobile or desktop.
• You can download your certificates as proof of training for just £2.99 (ex VAT).
• You can keep all certificates up-to-date by connecting your Florence account to your Florence Academy account by using the same email address.
• We'll remind you when you need to renew your training.
• You can print your certificates and use them anywhere you'd like.
You can create your Florence Academy account here (LINK: https://academy.florence.co.uk).

Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over a year ago