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What is CPD?
Stephen Paul avatar
Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over a week ago

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is the way that professionals continue to learn and develop throughout their career and ensure they keep their skills and knowledge up to date to be able to practise safely.

If you work in a role that requires registration with a regulatory body such as nursing, then you are required to keep your skills and knowledge up to date through CPD.

For example, all nurses on the NMC register must complete 35 hours of CPD in a three year period. E-learning can count towards some of the required CPD hours, so the great news is Academy e-learning modules can be used to evidence ongoing CPD hours!

Each module on Academy gives an indication of the time required in “active learning” to complete it. Once the module is completed and the assessment passed, a certificate is then issued which can be downloaded.

The terms CPD hours/scores/points are used interchangeably, although a module on Academy does not give the number of CPD “points”, the general guide is that usually one hour of learning equates to one CPD “point”.

Most of Florence Academy modules are independently accredited by the CPD Standards Office and many of them are also aligned to the Core Skills Training Framework (CSTF). Each course overview details whether the course is accredited and/or aligned, meaning you can be confident that they meet industry standards.

To find out more about:

  • CPD Standards Office please visit here

  • CSTF alignment please visit here

  • NMC CPD revalidation please visit here

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