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Getting your organisation set up on Florence Academy
Getting your organisation set up on Florence Academy
Stephen Paul avatar
Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over 10 months ago

Onboarding your organisation onto the Florence Academy platform is easy and takes 5 minutes. It is designed to be completely self-serve. Follow these steps. Of course, if you encounter issues along the way we are here to help.

Note: If you have more than 60 staff members you'd like to onboard, our team can help speed up the process. This will have been mentioned during your conversations with your dedicated Florence sales representative.

Step 1: Logging in for the first time

All information you give during onboarding can be edited later. Do take care when entering information, however if something needs correcting you can edit it once you’re up and running.

  • Click "Sign up"

  • Input your email

  • Pick any password you want

  • You should then be into your account

  • Next time just login using the same details

  • If you ever forget your password there is a password reset link you can use.

Step 2: Check your company name

Your company name should be pre-populated. Please check the name and the spelling. You can edit if you need to.

Step 3: Add your staff

Next, you can add your staff members. Once onboarding is complete your staff members will receive an email inviting them to join the platform. Simply add all your staff members and their emails here. Use your staff’s personal email addresses so they don’t lose access in future. Double check any spellings.

Tip: Copy and paste the names and emails from your records instead of typing them out to avoid typos.

Step 4: Choose your courses

Select all the courses you would like your staff to have access to. Your staff can have access to as many of the courses as you'd like. We recommend making the full list of courses available to your staff. That way, you can choose which ones to assign to your staff later. You can also choose to add the Care Certificate. You will be able assign individual courses and the Care Certificate to individual roles in the next steps.

Tip: Select all courses by clicking the box in the top left of the box. This will select all courses.

Step 5: Create locations

If your company has more than one location you can add these locations here. You can also assign individual staff members to separate locations at this point. If you're not ready to do this or your company only has one location you can skip this step.

Step 6: Create roles

Roles allow you to bulk assign courses to a group of people. For example, if your organisation has 20 care assistants and 3 team leaders, you can set up a role titled care assistant and add the required courses to that role. Then, you can set up a role titled team leader and add the relevant courses to that role. Anyone who is tagged with a certain role will automatically have whichever courses you choose assigned to them to complete.

Tip: Roles are extremely useful. We recommend setting up at least 1 role. You can easily edit these later.

Step 7: Set the training schedule

Choose how often each course needs to be completed. You can choose a due within date. The staff member must then complete the course for the first time before that date. Then, set a renewal frequency which is how often the training needs to be repeated. You have several different options, for example every year (annually), every 2 years, every 3 years etc.

Tip: This can all be edited once you have completed onboarding.

Step 8: Assign role to staff

Now you have successfully added your staff members and set up some roles you need to link them together. You do this by adding staff to a role. Choose the relevant staff member and add them to the role you set up in the previous steps.

Tip: This step can be skipped.

Step 9: Assigning the care certificate

If you chose to make the care certificate available to your staff, you can assign it to the relevant members of staff now.

Step 10:

You are all set. Onboarding is complete and you can start using the Florence Academy platform. Your staff members will now receive the email invitations.

If you have any questions we are here to help. You can contact your account manager through the following ways.

  1. Book 20-minutes with your account manager, here.

  2. Email [email protected]. We aim to respond within 48 hours; usually much sooner.

  3. Call us on +44 7360 269958.

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