We understand that it's sometimes necessary to cancel shifts. You can read our cancellation policy here (LINK: https://help.florence.co.uk/en/articles/3702626-florence-cancellation-policy-for-clients).
If you need to cancel a shift, here's how:
1. On the 'Shifts' tab, select the date of the shift you need to cancel.
2. In the top right corner of the page you should see a ‘Cancel’ button.
3. Select 'Cancel' and complete all sections of the cancellation form and agree to the terms and conditions at the bottom of the page.
If there was an approved applicant for the shift, their contact details will show on your screen once the shift has been cancelled. As a courtesy, we ask that you call them directly to let them know that their shift has been cancelled.

Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over a year ago