Once you are fully registered on Florence, you'll be able to start booking shifts.
Here's what you need to do:
1. Go to the 'Browse' tab.
2. Look through all available shifts to find one that would match what you are looking for. You can filter by date, time and distance.
3. Select the shift to bring up more information about the skills required and a detailed description.
4. If you're interested and available, click ‘apply for shift’.
By applying for a shift, you have registered your interest. The care organisation will review the shift and decide if you're a good fit.
If you're approved for the shift, you'll get an email letting you know. You'll also see this on your ‘My Shifts’ tab under ‘Upcoming Shifts’.
You'll be able to apply for more than one shift at a time. That means if you're looking to work on a particular date, you can apply to all the shifts you'd be interested in for the best chance of guaranteed work.
Remember to always check that you're happy with the date, time and location before applying. You can read our cancellation policy here (LINK: https://help.florence.co.uk/en/articles/3702615-florence-cancellation-policy-for-nurses-and-carers).
Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over a week ago