After your timesheet is approved, the home manager, nurse in charge or a designated person from the care organisation will rate you based on their observations or on the feedback they've had about your performance.
You'll be rated on the following categories after your shift:
• Punctuality - Arriving in time for an effective handover.
• Documentation - Documenting actions clearly and appropriately.
• Safety - Prioritising the safety of the people you're caring for.
• Effectiveness - Performing duties effectively and to the best of your abilities.
• Care - Treating people with compassion, dignity and respect.
Although the manager may not always be there while you're working, they'll make sure to discuss your shift with a member of staff who was, so that your rating is accurate.
Your reliability rating is based on your interaction with the Florence app. This is automatically worked out by the number of shifts you work against the amount you cancel. Each cancellation will affect your reliability rating, but as you work more shifts, this will bring your rating up.

Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over a year ago