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How do I add or edit shift presets?
Stephen Paul avatar
Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over a week ago

There are two different ways to manage shift presets in Florence.

1. Add a preset when posting a shift

  • Set up a shift as you normally would in the shift posting flow

  • Select 'Create preset' before setting the shift live

Choose a shift preset with Florence

2. Add or edit a preset in your admin section

Adding and editing shift presets has moved to the admin section for your care home location(s).

  • To begin, click in to your 'Company' section after logging in.

  • Follow the steps below to add or edit shift presets...‍

1. Select 'Units' and then 'Edit'

  • Click the 'edit' button for the unit you want to add or edit a preset for.‍

2. Scroll to  'Shift presets'

  • Scroll down to see your list of shift presets

  • Click 'edit' to edit any associated presets. 

  • Click 'Create a new preset' link in purple text below the list to add a preset

  • Click 'Update Unit' button at the button to save.

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