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Agency Manager - Care Organisation - System Navigation
Alison avatar
Written by Alison
Updated over a week ago

When you log into your Florence portal you will be welcomed to our client home page labeled as 'Today'.
Here you can see who your account manager is at Florence and you can contact them directly. We also show an at a glance of who is expected on shift soon from Florence.

We also show you some reporting from the last 30 days where you can see how many hours have been worked int he last 30 days, the average fill rate and a few more things. We also show you if you have any applicants pending to be approved into shifts.

We have also added some help articles so you can get help when you need it.

- Calendar
You can also view your booked shifts in a calender view where you can identify what days you have either Florence or other agency staff attending and you can also post a shift from here, we even made this printable so you can share it with the other staff in your care organisation.

- Shifts
In the shift tab we wanted you to be able to see everything in detail, so here you can see:
Upcoming shifts - This will show all upcoming shifts, both with & without applicants.
With Applications- This will show all upcoming shifts with applicants.
Without Applications - This will show all upcoming shifts without applicants.
Booked Shifts - This will show all shifts that are booked.
Completed shifts - This wiill show all the completed shifts.
Cancelled - This will let you see any shifts that have been cancelled, youw ill also be able to see who has cancelled the shift here.
Unsuccessful - This will show any shifts that have expired without applicants.

From each tab you will see the staff members name, date of shift, time of shift, the location/unit, the role the shift is for, who is available too and its status (i.e Booked). In the completed tab you can also see at a glance if the worker has submitted their timesheet.
We know when things get busy being able to filter things down is important to make your day easier, what is why we added the ability to search by date range, role, staffing types or even search by name.

- Timesheets
Here is where you will review any submitted timesheets and be able to approve or reject them. We have split this into four easy to navigate tabs:
Awaiting Approval - This is where you can review timesheets that need to be approved.
Awaiting Submission - Here you can see anytimesheets for shifts that have been worked but havnt yet been submitted.
Approved - You can review any approved timesheets here
Rejected - Any timesheets that have been rejected can be found here.

We encourage all agencies to ensure the timesheets they submit are accurate and correct however this is where we will also encourage you to ensure the same. This makes sure the invoice you pay is correct.

We have also added the ability to search by date range, role, staffing types or even search by name in timesheets.

- Staff
This is where you can add your own staff to the platform if you wish to add them to have all your staff scheduling managed within one platform.

In the top right corner there is 3 veritical dots, from here you can access:
- Your profile
- Settings
- Manage agencies linked to you
- Update your company info
- View reporting
- See your agreed rates & wages
- View your favourites
- Manage your staff admin access to the platform
- Manage your email preferences
- Access our help centre so you can get help whenever you need it.

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