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Agency Manager - Blocking Workers
Alison avatar
Written by Alison
Updated over a week ago

If you've had any problems working with a care professionals, please do let us know so we can provide support if needed.

If you decide that you don't want to work with a particular individual again, you can block them so that they can't see any of your future shift postings.

​Here are the steps to do this:
1. Find their profile
​To do this, select ‘Shifts’ and then ‘Completed Shifts’. From here you'll be able to see all of your past shifts and the names of the care professionals who have worked for you.

​2. Click on their name
​This will open their profile. Along the top of their profile, you'll see the option to ‘Block’ them.

​3. Click to block them
​Once you've chosen this, it will stop them from applying for any future shifts.

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