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How do direct invites work?
Stephen Paul avatar
Written by Stephen Paul
Updated over a week ago

Direct invites are a great option to help you fill your shifts quickly and easily with your favourite care professionals.

You can send invites to both your favourite nurses, carers or support workers, as well as those recommended to you. Favourites will be people that you've added to your list, while recommended individuals are our suggestions of care professionals who will be a close match for your shift.

Here are your options for sending invites when posting a new shift:
1. Post the shift as a 'Pre-arranged shift'
Selecting this option allows you to send the shift directly to your preferred nurse, carer or support worker, rather than first posting the shift publicly on Florence. Find out more about pre-arranged shifts here (

2. Select 'Send invitations to your Florence favourite and recommended nurses' when posting a new shift
You'll find this toggle on by default before you post a new shift. This means that any relevant care professionals you've added as well as our recommendations will receive an invite to your shift and have the option to book it instantly.

3. Send a direct invite after posting a shift
You can speed up the process of filling the shift by sending direct invites to avoid having to manually approve applicants. If a care professional accepts your invitation they are automatically approved to work this shift.

Find out how to send direct invites here (

Once an invite has been accepted, you'll receive an email confirmation and the shift will appear under your 'Booked Shifts'.

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